Mark your calendar for April 28, 2022 at 2pm ET to join us, along with engineers from Siemens and Oscilla Power, in a live Webinar where we'll discuss how ACE used Siemen’s technologies to help Oscillia Power tackle the extremely complex control system challenges they encountered when developing their wave energy converter (WEC) prototype.
With more than 70 percent of the Earth's surface covered by water, waves hold enormous potential as a large-scale source of renewable energy. For the past several years, we have worked with Oscilla Power to help the company achieve its goal of making large-scale wave energy production a reality. As Oscilla Power worked with us and proved its WEC concept in the lab, they began to plan for development of a full-scale prototype.
At this point, their engineers ran into several highly complicated control system challenges that they will discuss in depth during this webinar. The goal of this large-scale prototype is to validate the functional and power performance of the WEC, so Oscilla Power had rigid data collection requirements, as their communication system had to collect data remotely from the offshore WEC every 20 milliseconds. We'll cover the Siemens control technologies that made it possible for us to solve these complex control and communication challenges. We will then dive into how we used Siemens’ technology to develop a compact control system that provides remote automation, high-speed data sampling, and redundant communications for this innovative WEC prototype.
Whether you are working on a renewable energy application like Oscilla Power, a medical device, or a manufacturing system, if you are experiencing complexities with developing your control system, you will not want to miss the discussion in this live webinar.