On November 24th at 9am (EST), Technikgruppe, one of our industry partners, is offering a webinar on their unique method for combustion optimization.
A barrier for using waste and biomass in energy applications is the inconsistency and variation in the combustion process. Additionally the control algorithms in these processes have historically relied on thermal cameras and pyrometers instead of a more standard set of instrumentation.
In this webinar, Technikgruppe will talk about how their combustion manager, WiC, coupled with forward moving grates, can be used in Energy-from-Waste and Energy from Biomass applications to stabilize the combustion output using standard instrumentation while still satisfying the emissions standards and realizing a higher profitability when compared to conventional methods. 
- Plant managers
- Operations managers
- Maintenance mangers
- Performance improvement engineers
- Plant engineers
- Plant operations
Technikgruppe is an Austrian engineering company with 40 employees having international experience and worldwide engagement. Due to its long experience in Energy-from-Waste and biomass, Technikgruppe also acts as an independent consultant for technical and commercial issues. Every combustion line is a unique and complex technical system. Every combustion line should be individually adjusted to optimize its operation. Their tailor-made automation systems use extremely powerful control processors and extremely fast software to individually optimize each grate system to deliver a state-of-the-art combustion system that optimizes the combustion of waste to deliver enhanced profitability, reliability, and availability.
Join us for the free one-hour webinar on November 24, 2020 at 9 am EST to learn more. Register below.