Embracing Change: How Moving Forward Can Lead You Back Home
“Never go back, always look to move forward.”
This mantra was something my father stood by and would reiterate...
A customer calls and wants to know status of their order or has a problem with a product they received. Or perhaps a regulator calls and wants to audit the production process. To answer these questions, you need to know every step, resource, and ingredient involved from raw materials to final product use. These are the core concepts behind track and trace, genealogy, and serialization, and this is often a requirement in regulated industries. ACE will help you implement track and trace so that you can respond to all requests with agility, confidence, and speed.
Integrating track and trace with your inventory management means that you can better manage your raw material inventory.
A lot can happen between planning to make an order and shipping that order. Without visibility into both current and historical production data, you could miss deadlines and not be able to properly prioritize your resources. ACE will design and implement systems that include real-time views and alerts on production metrics and events to an immediate positive impact on your production and your customers – and allow your team to react.
When a customer calls, how do you investigate their complaint? ACE can design and implement systems that gather the important data as a product is being made, including what raw materials were used, operating conditions, and operator comments and present it to your team so you have answers quickly. This quick response is key to maintaining customer and public relations.
From time to time, you may become aware of a quality defect in your ingredients or process excursions. ACE implements a track and trace system, so you can quickly come up with a list of affected product lot numbers, reducing time and effort from your team. An accurate list prevents an unnecessarily broad product recall, increasing sustainability, saving money, and reducing reputational risk.
Every manufacturer has some sort of inventory management system. Without a link between it and your MES, you will not have accurate and timely data, resulting in unnecessary raw material inventories. ACE will implement a modern Track and Trace system and integrate it into your ERP and other systems to make sure you can manage your inventory with all the information available from the plant floor, saving you time and inventory costs.
Every manufacturer needs to isolate the production environment in order to maintain a healthy cyber posture and maintain the integrity even in the face of incidents in the business network. Data needs to move from production systems to the business network, which increases the potential attack surface area of your manufacturing and process control systems. ACE implements Track and Trace and other MOM system features using techniques that enable access to your production information while protecting the production environment.
“Never go back, always look to move forward.”
This mantra was something my father stood by and would reiterate...
Overall Equipment Effectiveness or OEE, is a best practice method of measuring the manufacturing productivity of your...
Today, there are many internal and external challenges manufacturers must navigate to efficiently manage orders such as...